The Darfur Development and Reconstruction Agency (DDRA) first came into being as a result of a serious analysis in 1991

DDRA’s vision
A staple and prosperous Sudan

Mission statement
We exist to help the people of Sudan, in general and those of Darfur in particular

DDRA’s Overall goal
DDRA aims to contribute to alleviation of poverty and suffering of the Sudanese through the strengthening of their capacity

Strategic Objectives
Enhance resilience and empowering communities to drive the change and
promoting participation and voicing;
Darfur Development and Reconstruction Agency (DDRA)
Darfur Development & Reconstruction Agency (DDRA) has been established and registered in the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs in July 2007 (registration No. 1455. DDRA is a non-profit organization aiming to reduce poverty and human suffering in the Sudan. It works on the understanding that Civil Society Organisations participate and provide humanitarian assistance to victims of natural and man-made disasters. While local and national organisations differ in their capacity, capability and approach in delivering such work. DDRA has an immense level of accumulated knowledge and expertise.
Current Donors:
These include UNEP; Oxfam America; UNDP and IRD.

Organization partners:
Ministry of Finance and Economy; Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation; Ministry of Livestock; Five CBO Networks (in each of Central, East, North, South and West Darfur) consisting of 6, 1, 7, 16 and 7 CBOs respectively.
Other partners and donors:
UNDP; UNEP; UNICEF; EU; Oxfam America; WFP