Current Projects/Programmes
A- Livelihoods and food security (DDRA’s core project):

A project being implemented in North Darfur targeting the rural communities. The livelihoods intervention includes, but is not limited to:  a) Start-up capital packages; b) The distribution of restocking goats; c) Business management training;  d) Life skills training; e) Distribution of agricultural seeds and tools f) Establishment of women saving groups; g) Continuous awareness-raising sessions targeting the increase in community awareness about human rights, governance and other key areas.

B- Implementation of the MMTA Programme (Central, East, North, South and West Darfur)

A project dedicated towards monitoring and analyzing trade activities in greater Darfur – the lifeblood of the region’s economy for centuries. The project broadly aims to influence humanitarian programming to support livelihoods while the conflict continues. We also aim to identify opportunities for peace-building through trade, as this is often among the most important forms of interaction between otherwise hostile groups.

C- Building Resilience in Communities of Return (West Darfur):

A one-year project (sponsored by the UNDP) aims at enhancing the recovery and resilience of conflict-affected populations in West Darfur, with particular focus on vulnerable returnees such as women and children. It contributes to restoring and improving livelihood assets (both at infrastructural and human level), using geographical area focus approaches targeting clusters of villages in order to promote sustainable livelihoods and community integration with markets and value chains. The project additionally promotes environmentally sustainable natural resource management through livelihood diversification and conflict resolution mechanisms, particularly those targeting natural-resource-based conflicts.


Funded Projects for 2015

Promotion of peace through natural resource management

This project will be supported by EU through the UNEP as it aims to promote peace and create a state of peaceful coexistence through improved management of natural resources. Such conditions will be established through policies of environmental governance; supporting water services; introducing income-generating projects for the system in rural areas; and the introduction of integrated pest management methods.

Project location:  Azoum locality first phase

Budget: $767,745.000 (USD)

Project period: 2 years

Donor: The European Union (through the United Nations Environment Programme)

Start date: September 2015


Planned Projects (2015 – 2016):

DDRA plans to implement additional programmes in North, South and West, Central and East Darfur. These new initiatives will target:

  1. Building livelihoods and food security in conjunction with Consortium of Care International and Save the Children Sweden (West Darfur)
  2. Environmental conservation and natural resource management through community approaches (North and West Darfur)
  3. Expansion of DDRA into other states of The Sudan
  4. Extension and maintenance of the Livelihoods programme (North, East, South and Central Darfur)
  5. Continuation of the Groundnut Value Chain Project (West Darfur), under the overarching Pro-poor Value Chain Integration for Peace and Early Recovery in Darfur project
  6. Aflatoxin Management in groundnut production (West Darfur)
  7. DCPSF project (East Darfur)
Previous Projects :

1) Community Environmental Action Planning sponsored by the UNEP (North and West Darfur); 2) Groundnuts Value Chain sponsored by the UNDP (West Darfur); 3) Vocational Training sponsored by the UNDP (North Darfur); 4) Women Development sponsored by the UNFPA (North Darfur); 5) Livelihoods project sponsored by the IRD (West Darfur); 6) Community Empowerment and Strengthening Project sponsored by MidAir .



DDRA plan for 2015 – 2016

  1. Continuation of support for existing projects
  2. Focus on humanitarian work in rural areas for 2015
  3. Focus on projects of direct services delivery to families affected by drought and conflict
  4. Focus on rehabilitation, development, peace-building and interweaving of social fabric
  5. Support local communities
  6. Procurement of fact-based information that will aid in production of proper well-informed planning for development process
  7. Increase of institutional coordination processes between DDRA and local state and federal authorities, including line ministries and the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC)
  8. Reinforcement of local community capabilities through improvement of organizational and institutional capacities
  9. Rehabilitation of socio-economic structures of conflict-affected communities
  10. Leading of research processes in areas where development projects are planned
  11. Working towards and consolidating peace building processes