background of DDRA

Darfur Development and Reconstruction Agency (DDRA)

Darfur Development & Reconstruction Agency (DDRA) has been established and registered in the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs in July 2007 (registration No. 1455. DDRA is a non-profit organization aiming to reduce poverty and human suffering in the Sudan. It works on the understanding that Civil Society Organisations participate and provide humanitarian assistance to victims of natural and man-made disasters.  While local and national organisations differ in their capacity, capability and approach in delivering such work. DDRA has an immense level of accumulated knowledge and expertise.

Internally Displaced Peoples living in camps or traditional areas all

highly in the organisation’s priority work list. Additionally, DRA works in conjunction with a variety of government institutions, UN agencies, INGOs, SCOs, CBOs and NGOs. This wide network of partnerships helps to maximise coordination, heighten effectiveness and ensure participation in both humanitarian and developmental projects.

DDRA Work Methodologies and Approaches:

Though DRA employs a number of strategies, community involvement and consultation remain at the heart of our projects throughout their various stages. In empowering regional areas, for instance through community mobilization and sensitization, our informed approach comprises the opinions and actions of community based organizations, voluntary community committees and other voluntary forces to ensure the efficacy of our involvements.

Who we work With?

DDRA works with communities experiencing and living under conditions considered as abnormal by humanitarian, developmental and welfare standards. Communities suffering from conflict and structural food insecurity – as well as those living in areas highly prone to natural disasters – constitute the bulk of our efforts. Nevertheless, we remain expansive and inclusive with regards to our attentions; pastoralists, herders, urban poor and Internally Displaced Peoples living in camps or traditional areas all highly in the organisation’s priority work list. Additionally, DRA works in conjunction with a variety of government institutions, UN agencies, INGOs, SCOs, CBOs and NGOs. This wide network of partnerships helps to maximise coordination, heighten effectiveness and ensure participation in both humanitarian and developmental projects.


DDRA Work Methodologies and Approaches

Though DRA employs a number of strategies, community involvement and consultation remain at the heart of our projects throughout their various stages. In empowering regional areas, for instance through community mobilization and sensitization, our informed approach comprises the opinions and actions of community based organizations, voluntary community committees and other voluntary forces to ensure the efficacy of our involvements

Organisation Finances:

DDRA strands of fund-raising:

  1. Member subscriptions
  2. Funds from donors: currently, DDRA has a number of individual and organizational donors to support the above indicated existing and future interventions.

Finances are managed as any other integral part of the project management process.  Monthly, quarterly and final reports are produced and shared with donors and members, and programme finance audits constitute a fundamental part of our finance management systems. 

DDRA’s Overall goal

DDRA aims to contribute to alleviation of poverty and suffering of the Sudanese through the strengthening of their capacity and improved access and management of resources.

DDRA’s vision

A Sudan free of suffering and human injustice, with its people enjoying the fruits of peaceful co-existence, social tolerance and economic prosperity.

Mission statement

DDRA exists to help the people of Sudan, especially those in Darfur, escape marginalization and suffering.  We strive to fight poverty and manage natural resources in their best interests.



  • Assisting livelihoods through rebuilding production and productivity mechanisms
  • Natural resource base management – environmental protection and rebuilding
  • Food security
  • Capacity building for national and community-based structures and organizations
  • Advocacy – support given to people to voice their concerns to their authorities, donors and other concerned institutions at local, national, regional and international levels
  • Humanitarian response - improvements on water, sanitation and hygiene promotion in human settlements


Values and Principles

  • A non-partisan, non-race based and non-political approach
  • An independent identity, working for the good of humanity
  • Works to promote a culture of tolerance and co-existence
  • Principled & need-driven adding value where it is needed
  • Cost effective
  • Positive impact with action and result orientation
  • Transparent organisation with a focus on people



Distinctive Competence

  • Consists of highly experienced members with expert humanitarian and development knowledge
  • Builds work on analysis; taking environmental factors into account
  • Communicate excellently between management and members
  • Passionate and respected organisation with recognition at a national and international level.